Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome - Bienvenue

Hi all, as the name and description implies, I am the english speaking parent of a child that is being educated in french. This is both a rewarding and frustrating experience. My wife (le parent français) and I have spoken french to my son since birth. My french to that point was mostly what I learned in school and university and I was able to keep pace until the 3rd -4th year. Then things began to change.

I was satisfied being able to understand and be understood by my son and his friends. I left the high level stuff to my wife. All was good. Then between the third and forth year something happened, my son began speaking more french. One thing lead to another and I found myself adrift in a sea of french with a cup and a leaky boat. I have tried hard to bail myself out, but some days, addition to the water pouring in through the holes, it feels like there is a steady rain filling my boat and more storm clouds on the horizon.

Occasionally, other boats pass by. Some are in good shape and willing to lend a hand, while others are far worse off and at risk of sinking beneath the waves for good. There are also these big cruse ships that pass by and seem willing to help (I think), but for some strange reason they all are yelling at me in french (I think), I don't know what to do.

So, this is where I find myself, in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.

To go back to the cruise ship metaphor, this quite often is my son's school. I am a parent that believes in the importance of being an active part of my child's education. I want to be involved, but there's that damn french thing again. With the french school and french teachers there is no part for me. The school can help (in french). There is no voice, no representation for me or others in my circumstance.

This is where I will leave it for now, time to get back to bailing. Feel free to add to this.

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